Blog Posts

Fields Psychiatric Consultants Blog

Semi-regular posts on topics of interest and controversy within psychiatry.

Exploring EMDR: A Powerful Approach to Processing Traumatic Experiences

Trauma can have a profound and long-lasting impact on your mental health. Whether you've experienced a single, life-altering event or a series of traumatic experiences, the effects can be debilitating. You may struggle with intrusive thoughts, intense emotions, and a heightened sense of fear or anxiety. Trauma can also lead to depression, substance abuse, and difficulty in personal and professional relationships.

Off the Streets and Into The Courtroom: Psychiatric Street Medicine, Forced Psychiatric Care, and the Assisted Community Treatment (ACT)

It’s no secret that psychiatry is a field riddled with controversy. What is more personal, more sacred, more defended, than the autonomy to decide what’s best for our health - even more so, our own minds?

Understanding Psychiatric Evaluation for Beginners

Mental health and psychiatric evaluations are essential tools used to understand an individual's emotional, psychological, and behavioral state. For beginners, it's important to know that these evaluations are a starting point for identifying any mental health disorders or issues. The primary goal is to create an accurate diagnosis that can guide the development of a personalized treatment plan. Engaging in a psychiatric evaluation can be a pivotal first step towards healing and improving one's quality of life.

Digital Meet and Greet: Dave Fields, PMHNP

My name is Dave Fields, and I’m the Fields in question behind Fields Psychiatric Consultants. I’ve started this blog to answer the questions I’m sure you’re dying to ask regarding the field of psychiatry, as well as the questions you haven’t considered, don’t want answers to, and likely never will.

The Difference Between a Psychiatric Nurse Practitioner and Psychiatrist

The world of psychiatric healthcare is a complex landscape with a variety of professionals, each playing crucial roles. Mental health has been a growing concern worldwide, and the importance of psychiatric healthcare has never been more apparent. The increasing demand for mental health services has led to the development of diverse roles within the sector, each with its own specific tasks and responsibilities.